Date: Tuesday, 7/18/2023 Time: 10 AM Breakfast /1030 AM Meeting Location: Tower Tap & Grill (Inside the Double Tree) 6900 Tower Rd, Denver, CO 80249 Please join us for the July Membership Meeting at NEW LOCATION. We will be meeting in the private dining room of the Tower Tap and Grill inside the Double Tree near DEN. Please arrive at 10 am if you plan to order breakfast, the meeting will start promptly at 10:30 AM The tentative agenda can be found HERE This meeting does involved a vote to finalize the new Bylaws. You must be in person to vote. You can review the Bylaws by CLICKING HERE before the meeting. Unless there are significant issues, we will note be accepting changes to these By-Laws and will take all changes by amendments after voting. Look out for more emails to include a livestreaming link of the meeting as well!